Individual-  In Clinic 

An initial consultation lasting approximately 1 - 1½ hours explores a client’s background, home environment, diet and food habits, physical exercise and health issues and health goals.

From this consultation a Health and Nutritional Plan is developed which is presented at a subsequent session together with recipes and recommendations on Foods, Supplements and Exercise regimes.

A further follow-up session is timed for approximately a month later to review understanding and progress on the plan.

Ongoing support is available with a check up at least every 3 months to ensure goals are achieved.

An in-depth consultation will enable an understanding of current lifestyle and dietary habits and cover current medical history as well as that of immediate family. This is so that change can be implemented (often minor) in order to utilise the power of food to work to counter any hereditary medical risk factors that may be apparent.

During the first session the following will be discussed:

  • Medical and family history
  • Dietary history
  • Current diet/Food diary
  • Health goals
  • Physical activity assessment
  • Hair and nail analysis
  • Energy levels
  • Stress levels
  • Hair test to highlight any food/chemical sensitivities or allergies
  • Blood pressure reading
  • Cholesterol testing
  • Blood glucose testing

An individual treatment plan including meal ideas and recipes will be completed and discussed to ensure that any areas which may be challenging can be highlighted and a solution devised. Supplements may be recommended if necessary if there are micronutrient deficiencies apparent.

Follow Up Visit

During a follow up consultation progress will be discussed and workable solutions devised for any areas which posed unexpected challenges to ensure the continued journey towards the best of health and vitality. Follow up includes:

  • Review the food diary
  • Find solutions for any challenges
  • Continue education on food choices for body type, portion sizes, label reading etc.
  • Provide new recipes and food ideas to try

Ongoing Support

Continuing support is available through telephone and clinic appointments. A range of supplements can be purchased online and through the clinic. A check up at least every 3months is recommended.


A number of articles and books on relevant topics are recommended. These are available to clients and groups.

Consultations and Appointments

Consultation in-clinic, by telephone or skype (linda.outhwaite) or mobile consults are available, please call for an appointment